Wholistic Self-Care Touchstones for Musicians

Respect for ourselves and others.

Uplift yourself by listening deeply to the still, small voice of artistry within. Listen to the sounds emanating from your own instrument or voice. Listen to the music of great artists to discern and describe what you hear.

Observe instead of judge.

Observation describes what is happening in great detail. Judging assaults character (others or our own).

Photo by Tetiana Shyshkina

Photo by Tetiana Shyshkina

Cultivate joyful physicality daily.

Strength, flexibility, stamina, and sharp concentration are necessities – find a fun, nourishing way to exercise. Breathe deeply, eat organic food, and get enough sleep. Visit beautiful physical surroundings to spark inspiration and encourage motivation. Look your best ti feel your best. Find your authentic style; take pride in a well-groomed, individual look that makes you smile at yourself and others.

Master your money.

Understand the fundamentals of cash flow in your personal bank account, the music industry, and the money system. Transcend the greed/fear mind-hijack. Keep your dreams alive and fully-funded.

Serve your art form.

Respect the constant interplay between the ego self (nasty, untruthful, and distracted) and the authentic self (calm, ordered, inspired, and masterful). Devote yourself to daily a practice. Realize that serving your art form and your audience rewards the most intrinsic part of yourself.

Develop a spiritual practice.

Transform your energy to a higher vibration and unleash creativity with a daily spiritual practice of meditation and acts of random kindness. The practice space is sacred. The time spent practicing is also sacred. Learn to value yourself, your music, and your time.

If you don’t feel well or have been exposed to someone who is sick, feel free to have a virtual lesson instead of coming in to the building. Please reach out to nora@ossiamf.com, or follow this link to connect.

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The Ossia Musical Forum studio 927 has acquired a whisper-quiet Blueair HEPA HealthProtect air filter, which cleans the air continuously and will be in operation continuously. We have the ability to open our windows during the winter, and the Fine Arts Building’s heating system keeps us toasty warm.

We offer in-person lessons, booking small, in-person performances, as well as online lessons and performances. Ultimately, we’d like to hear from you, to serve you collaboratively and in the healthiest way possible. Please reach out to nora@ossiamf.com, or follow this link to connect.